What is Data SGP?
Data sgp is a collection of aggregated student performance data that provides teachers and administrators with information about their students’ progress over time. It includes individual-level measures like test scores and growth percentiles, as well as aggregated school/district-level indicators such as class size, attendance rates and graduation rates. It is used to identify areas for improvement, inform classroom practice, evaluate schools/districts, and support broader research initiatives.
Educators use SGPs to assess student learning, identify strengths and weaknesses, and improve instructional practices. They can view SGPs for all of their students or a select group, and they can also use them to compare a student with his/her peers within a grade level or subject area. They can access SGPs through the Star assessment system or directly from their student information systems (SIS).
SGP analyses convert raw student assessment scores into scaled scores that are then compared with an average scaled score for all students in a given grade and subject area. This average scaled score is calculated from a series of assessments administered over several years, called a longitudinal cohort. This method of analysis enables comparisons between students who are on different paths toward proficiency, despite differences in assessment design, specific grade-level differences and degree of difficulty, as well as variations in starting point scores across assessments.
When comparing a student’s historical growth trajectories with projections, SGP analyses are designed to remove the effects of acceleration and remediation from the comparison. This ensures that the growth of all students is measured in relation to the rest of their cohort and not against a more advanced or struggling group of students.
Using SGPs to evaluate accelerated programs is more challenging because it is difficult to determine the impact of acceleration in the context of the overall cohort’s growth. This is because the growth of all students is measured against the growth of their peers, who started with similar knowledge, skills and ability. As a result, some students may appear to accelerate but in reality they are simply falling behind their peers.
Educators can access SGP information for their students by selecting a student in the Star assessment system and choosing “SGP Data.” This will open a spreadsheet that displays a student’s SGP data over five years. The first column, ID, contains the student’s unique identifier. The following 5 columns, SS_2013, SS_2014, SS_2015, SS_2016, and SS_2017, contain the student’s assessments for each of the five years. Each year, the spreadsheet is updated to display the latest SGP results. A corresponding graphical representation of these results is also provided on the SGP Summary Report. This spreadsheet is a valuable tool for interpreting SGP data and planning for future instruction.